Thursday, January 22, 2009

Experiencing the four bodies - an exercise

Last week we were told something about learning to live in all four of our bodies. I ask if we may be given more instruction about that, how to do that, what that experience might be like, how to know if what I am doing is moving in that direction or not.

First you have to come into the body that you know, the physical one. You have to be clear with yourself about when you are in your body and when you are not. And then when you come into your body, try to occupy the whole of it. This is nothing new for you, but still not practiced much. Then you move around in the body, like now for this purpose you move to one side. See how that feels. See what changes when you move from one side to the other, in the experience that you are having. Try to see which parts of the body are easier for you to occupy than others. And then we can help you. You can ask us to send our energy into your body, into the places that are more difficult, into the whole, and see how that feels, see what feels different when you do that. While you are trying this, trying to be in your body, you can ask your True Self to come and be in your body with you. See how that changes things. It is good that you try to do this in a peaceful state. It is a very peaceful activity. So you may have to try things to bring more peace to yourself, like asking for the Golden Light of Grace, while being patient with yourself and persistent.

When, you think about your body without being in it, you think of it and see it as more or less solid. And when you come into the body and begin to experience it, sometimes it seems as if it is full of space. It's an experience that doesn't seem to fit with the concepts that are generally accepted about reality at this time. But there it is; you have this experience in space and time. Your consciousness can move about within this space in the body, if you practice it. Sometimes when you are in this place, especially in this gathering that you have, you feel a connection between your body and the others in the circle, through cords of light. This begins to be an experience of a different dimension, which is not available to you ordinarily, in your ordinary state. And these cords of light connect outward from the circle as well as you have noticed. They connect conscious beings in a way that transcends space and time. If you try to understand that you will be confused. So I say this just to point you in the direction of a kind of experience. Be patient with this experience, and peaceful inside, and you will begin to see.


Jacke Schroeder said...

Thanks Bubbles. A very good process for coming into my body is the cauldron healing that Mary taught me. It comes from Katelyn John Matthews "Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom". Cauldrons are related to medical intuition. Using the process whereby my Helping Spirit repairs, cleanses, stabilizes and aligns the 3 cauldrons has really been helping me stay in my body and keep my head here.
Maybe this will be helpful for you too?

Jacke Schroeder said...

TOO WEIRD! I thought I was sending this to you Bubbles, not sacredcircledance. Excuse me friends!

Joyce said...

This in-body exercise is proving very helpful. Thank you.