Monday, October 13, 2008

Ashiata Shiemash speaks:

In his book, Gurdjieff said that I was sent from above. I am still being sent from above. There is continuously something being sent from above, being sent to everyone, but only a few are able to receive. That something which comes from above, once received by people, needs to be allowed to flow and connect these people to each other and to the Earth itself. You may feel this as a feeling, an emotion; you may see it like a vision; you may sense it as a kind of clarity. For any of this to happen, your whole being has to be engaged, or at least you must have the intention that your whole being be engaged, not just the thinking. The more of this divine energy which you can allow to flow, the more clarity you will have, the more lightness of being. You may find it possible to help direct the flow of this energy into parts of your body where it is needed, where it is not flowing, where there is pain and suffering. It requires a gentleness of intent, not forcing.

When he speaks of something coming from above, the experience which comes through is like an energy descending through the crown. It looks like light, sparkling, white light, and feels cool, like standing under a waterfall. Here is how he describes this experience and a little about what it means to us:

We wish to speak to you about the changes that are taking place in humanity. One very important aspect of this is the change in perception that is becoming possible for people in general. What has been called consensual reality is shifting because of changes in the planetary vibration, which are being induced by a change in the influences coming from the Center.
Consensual reality has to shift so that the planet can grow and so that humanity can see more clearly its role in the grand scheme of things.
It must now become more possible, easier, for people to see dimensions that are not evident in the type of seeing called consensual reality. Where formerly a person had to enter an “altered state of consciousness” in order to see angels, demons, spirits of people who have died, and other types of discarnate beings, that seeing can begin to be “normal.” You can begin to see the beings who are all around you all the time, watching you. You can have a clearer relationship with them. You can begin to understand how things really work, instead of being in the dark. It is your birthright; it is innate in human beings to have this capacity. This capacity for seeing has been rigorously schooled out of children, and the ability to see spiritual beings has been persecuted for centuries in order to preserve the blindness and slavery of most of humanity to those who want this power. People who can see cannot be enslaved.

What is needed is an increase in the quantity and quality of energy that flows in the organism of each person. We have spoken of this many times. [in other channeling sessions] You must learn not to be content to carry only the weak energy you are accustomed to. You must learn to carry a more vibrant energy. It is at first uncomfortable. It does not feel normal to you after so many years of being satisfied with low frequency energy, with blindness. So the change has to be gradual, organic as you might say, so that your organism can remain in balance. Too much too soon can throw off your balance, make you sick, misalign the physical presence and cause pain, make you crazy.

It is very tempting to try to escape from the physical world as your energy rises and the visions become more clear. This is not what we are trying to accomplish. We want to accomplish a transformation of the physical world, not an escape. To do this we ask that you remain as grounded as you can while we fill your presence with divine energies.
Begin by setting up your body to be comfortable but alert, so that you do not lose consciousness. Then bring your attention into the body, taking an inventory of the sensations of the body. You can be systematic about this at first, beginning at the head and gradually letting your attention flow downward to the feet, taking in the impression of everything along the way. Do not be distracted by thoughts; the mind has been trained to get lost in the contents of mental awareness. You must train yourself not to go with this attraction, but to be very patient, gentle and persistent in sensing the sensations of the body. Then, after sufficient practice, you can enter a full body state of awareness, sensing all at once. Try to include the space around the body, a few inches away from the skin, as well. This quiet awareness sets up an attractive polarity, a field of attraction, which draws down the high energy from the divine, from the starry world.
Try not to interfere then, when we begin to infuse our presence within your energy field. You will feel a different quality of energy, much finer than your own, or what you are used to. It will flow down through the opening of your crown chakra, through the top of your head. Watch as it descends through the body, through your field. Feel how this quality enters and mingles with your own energy and changes it.
This is the source of healing, the philosopher's stone if you will, the fountain of youth. Encourage it if you must, to flow to the places that hurt, that are numb or tight. Better still, let it flow without interference at all. Just bring your awareness to it and to the parts you wish to help, and do nothing more. That is the hard part, not interfering once the process has started. And not shutting it off too soon, not letting your mind wander into dreams and fantasies. This is not the time to write your book! We need your attention to be present to this process, to interact in a certain way so that our high energy can have its action upon the physical presence.
You have begun to see that when we do this, you become aware of lines of force connecting you to the others around you, and that these lines of light travel outward, as it appears, from your presence, in many directions, perhaps all directions, to connect you to all life, to all humanity, to all sentient beings. This connection is always there, but you do not see it until your presence is energized in this way. Can you stand to be this aware? Do you not see how much better it is to be aware of the lines of force connecting you to all of reality than to sit in the dark imagining you are separate?
There is nothing to fear in this. As you become more and more a beacon of light, any dark beings who are attracted to this light will be drawn in only as close as you allow, and their presences will be informed by the light, transformed, changed, enlightened.
Then, with sufficient practice you can engaged in this activity with others who are of like mind. This greatly multiplies the effect, fostering a sympathetic vibration, a harmonious amplification of the energy of transformation.
There, in a nutshell, is our message.
Then, as you practice, you can begin to experience the sloughing off of your worries, your little concerns, which come from living in the dark. You can begin to see how the connectedness of everything works, how events are really caused.
You can begin to trust that the experiences and the people we bring to you are brought to you with a specific purpose, sometimes for you to help them and sometimes for them to help you..
All this happens only with your consent, of course. The divine, starry light cannot enter you without your participation. If it does, the result is madness, “cracking of the old gourd,” the “pouring of new wine into old wineskins.”
Allow yourself to be stretched, to trust that you can see what you do not yet see, and that the seeing will be a good thing.
We will not hurt you; we love you. What we bring is love itself, the substance of love.
Trust us.

1 comment:

SM Smithfield said...

This precise process, exactly as he describes it, has been occuring in my life for the past year or so. I have not reached the point where I have a clear contact w/ any guides, (I do a lot of weird things on blind trust) but I think I am transforming a particular blindness and it may be a while before that changes. I am writing because these experiences are isolating at the moment. I have not reached a point where the light is completely protecting me inside the environment in which I live (again part of my particular life contract). Thank you for having the courage and capacity to bring the light through on the internet.